So far so good, I used to have a simple /etc/inittab line like this:
T3:23:respawn:/sbin/mgetty -D -s 115200 ttyS0
But... The fucking almighty systemd came to create hell on earth for Linux users... No /etc/inittab anymore, no nothing. Well, UTFG, so I get completely wrong advice to try:
# systemctl start getty@ttyS0.service
And that's it... (?) No, it isn't! It simply does not accept the call, because it uses agetty and agetty can't do that or it is not configured or whatever.
After one particularly hot, unpleasant and exhausting afternoon spent on experimenting with this I came to following config for systemd that works for me (place it to /etc/systemd/system/mgetty.service):
[Unit] Description=Smart Modem Getty(mgetty) Documentation=man:mgetty(8) Requires=systemd-udev-settle.service After=systemd-udev-settle.service [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/sbin/mgetty -D -s 115200 /dev/ttyS0 Restart=always PIDFile=/var/run/ [Install]
And of course:
# systemctl start mgetty.service # systemctl enable mgetty.service
I hate systemd! I really do. But I'll learn about it. It has spread to all reasonable distros like a nasty infection so we have to learn living with it, I guess.